

Busy Catering - But Without Chaos!


PartyPreOrders Help Manual

8     How to View / Edit a Individual Diner’s Order or Details 

a)       Click on the name of the guest (see image No.16 above), whose details you wish to edit and you will see an intermediary screen, which will give you two options; either delete:’ or ‘edit’ an individual guest’s pre-order.

b)       Delete – By clicking delete, will completely delete the individual guest and their associated pre-order. After pressing this link, you will be prompted to confirm your deletion.

c)       Edit – By pressing edit, in the intermediary screen, you will be taken to the screen below:

[Image No.19]

b)       Organiser/Group – From the drop-down list will allow you to move the guest to any other group’s table, and then click ‘Save’ to commit changes to the database.

c)       Guest -  here you can change the guest’s name as it will appear on the ‘Table Card’.

d)       Starter, Main & After – Here you can either change their guest’s menu choices for the their pre-order menu by clicking the drop-down list and then afterwards, pressing ‘Save’ to commit changes to the database. Alternatively, you can over-ride the preset menu choices and type in a unique menu description for this guest’s alternative menu choices (and again remember to press ‘Save’). 

Any changes made, will then be seen after saving, which will return you to screen image No.16.


N.B. Our PartyPreOrders’ system is based on constructive & practical feedback advice from our clients. This manual menu choice over-ride should be used as a late minute, last resort to any existing pre-order, as it is preferable to add any variations to the menu to the library and then adding it as a choice to your specific pre-order menu. By using this library entry procedure, you can then use the drop-down list to make menu choices (though this would make the same new menu choice visible to any new pre-orders using the same online menu). However, by using the library to enter menu choices means that you are less likely to have multiple & spurious ‘mis-spelt’ menu choice entries appearing in your meal summary reports used elsewhere in  kitchen food ordering lists (see below section on ‘User Defined Ranges’ of dates…

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